run of mine rock fragmentation

Run Of Mine Rock Fragmentation

run of mine rock fragmentation

Run-of-mine fragmentation is an important aspect of mine productivity optimisation, as it affects all mine-to-mill process In this study, a 3D rock fragmentation measurement (3DFM) system is proposed that can surmount the limitations of conventional 2D photo-based rock fragmentation measurement methods

Rock Fragmentation by Blasting - Orica

The fragmentation of rock is fundamental to mining. It is the first preparatory stage in the extraction process – making rock small enough and loose enough to be efficiently excavated. But this simple statement underestimates how important this activity is for the whole mining operation. By optimising rock fragmentation by blasting, you can achieve significant improvements in waste productivity, mill throughput, fragmentation profile and wall stability.

Prediction of Rock Fragmentation Using a Gamma-based Blast ...

A blast fragmentation model is developed based on the gamma function to describe the run-of-mine fragmentation distribution. The model presented is aimed to benefit from simplicity in application and also to be efficient in description of the fine to coarse part of the blast rock fragments.

A New Technique for Predicting Rock Fragmentation in ...

Preliminary predictions of fragmentation in two types of rock blasting, a large hole open pit mining blast and a tunnel round, indicate that the new technique for fragmentation prediction has the potential for predicting fragment size distributions within the rock removed by the Blast.

Development of 3D rock fragmentation measurement system ...

Run-of-mine fragmentation is an important aspect of mine productivity optimisation, as it affects all mine-to-mill processes. In this study, a 3D rock fragmentation measurement (3DFM) system is proposed that can surmount the limitations of conventional 2D photo-based rock fragmentation measurement methods.

Blast optimization - liming

Optimizing blast fragmentation to improve comminution efficiency. The Run-of-Mine (ROM) size distribution has a large impact on the performance of downstream crushing and grinding processes. The in-situ ore properties, drill blast pattern, and properties of the explosive govern the size distribution of rocks produced from a blast and the energy efficiency of the blast.

Prediction of Rock Fragmentation in Open Pit Mines

Three types of rock such as oxide, top magnetite and bottom magnetite are extracted in Gol-e-Gohar Iron Ore Mine. During the rock dimensions study, it is attempted to select 50 patterns until the fragmentation of all three rock types are being evaluated. Also waste and soil fragmented distribution are measured during shovel loading.

(PDF) Rock Fragmentation Prediction using Kuz-Ram Model

Jun 25, 2020 · Rock fragmentation due to blasting plays a crucial role in the total economics of mining, mineral processing and tunneling projects as it …

Influence of Blasting Parameters and Density of Rocks on ...

The run-of-mine (ROM) fragmentation is considered acceptable when it is fine and loose enough to ensure high efficiency in materials handling. Tschudi is a low-cost open-pit mine extracting oxidized copper ore to be treated through heap-leach, solvent extraction and electro-winning.

Measurement of Size Distribution of Blasted Rock Using ...

fragmentation plays an important role in order to control and minimize the loading, hauling, and crushing costs. The size distribution analysis of the rock fragmentation by sieving is a direct and accurate method but it is very time consuming and costly. Fragmentation analysis by digital image processing is a low cost and quick method.

(PDF) Rock Fragmentation by Blasting – a review

Rock Fragmentation by Blasting – a review The rock fragmentation process in mining currently being practiced in India needs re-examination to improve the productivity of the mine.

Mine-to-process integration and optimization

Likewise, grind size strongly affects subsequent separation stages. Mine-to-process integration optimizes each stage while considering the impact on the overall operation. Ore characterization. Blast fragmentation and comminution are primarily influenced by rock …

A new framework for evaluation of rock fragmentation in ...

Apr 01, 2019 · A model incorporating Rock Engineering Systems (RES) method was proposed by Faramarzi et al. (2013) to predict rock fragmentation in Sungun copper mine in Iran incorporating 16 effective parameters. Their model was compared by regression analysis and Kuz-Ram model. They concluded that the RES approach is more reliable than other two methods.

Controlling fragmentation - Orica

he fragmentation of rock is fundamental to mining. It is the first preparatory stage in the extraction process – making rock small enough and loose enough to be efficiently excavated.

Software & Service Overview - Hexagon Mining

measure run-of-mine leach ore. Split-Desktop® is the industry approved software standard for manual, off-line coarse rock fragmentation size analysis of muck piles, leach pads and more. Split-NetSM service utilizes our experienced personnel to process your images for you and provides a


rock fragmentation course: mngn 407 semester spring 2005 credits: 3.0 hours mining engineering department colorado school of mines golden, colorado instructor: dr. vilem petr [email protected]

Blasting quality boosted by technology and data ...

BME’s tools ensure that mines can achieve optimal rock fragmentation distribution, a key performance indicator of blast performance. This also allows mines to achieve the best possible outcome ...

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